Lyme Art Association Newly Elected Artists – 2020

Copley Society of Arts – Copley Masters

October 17th to November 7, 2019
Open to the Public
Portrait Demonstration
I will be painting a model on Saturday, July 20 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Tilting at Windmills Gallery, 24 Highland Avenue, Manchester Center, Vermont ~ 802-.362.3022
Stop by and see how I use my artistry and broad brushstrokes to represent the likeness, personality, and perhaps even the mood of the model. Looking forward to seeing you!
The ARTIST’s Wife
Welcome 2020
January 25, 2020
Hello! I am the artist’s wife, the muse, the non-artist (artsy but not a painter like John), the gardener, record keeper, travel companion and most of all the “other half” of the artist. Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:8 states that two will become one and in addition, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 references that two are better than one. That pretty much sums up the artist and his wife and our life.
Below is a painting of me tending the garden. Since we are nearly together 24/7, there are always opportunities for John to capture parts of my daily life on canvas. Although there are many reference photographs taken that I could share of these activities (it is very hard for me to sit still), I would rather show you the life that John breathes into the canvas with every brush stroke of color in oil. A patron of a recent commissioned piece described John’s work as “an inestimable expression of your humanity and your gift”. With that being said, I hope you will enjoy the “Artist’s Wife” blog of my stories and his gift to me and you, his audience, his paintings/drawings.
Tending the Garden
2019 Exhibition Calendar
In addition to new works being added to the Galleries, please visit these events to see my works on display:
SCNY ANNUAL MEMBERS’ EXHIBITION 2019; Upper Gallery, April 29, 2019 – May 23, 2019
ART WALK: Main Street, Keene, NH; Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 9th
HUDSON VALLEY ART ASSOCIATION 86TH Annual National Juried Exhibition; The Lyme Art Association Gallery, Old Lyme, CT; Friday, June 14th to Friday, August 2nd
WATERWORKS: A Marine Show; The Lyme Art Association Gallery, Old Lyme, CT; June 14th to August 2nd
THEN & NOW: Bryan Memorial Gallery, 180 Main Street, Jeffersonville, VT 05464; June 27th to September 2nd
2019 SUMMER SHOWCASE: J. Cacciola Gallery W, 35 Mill Street, Bernardsville, NJ 07924; June 28th to September 6th
PORTRAIT CREATION PROCESS PORTRAYED: Tilting at Windmills Gallery, 24 Highland Avenue, Manchester Center, VT 05255; Saturday, July 20th – 11am to 4pm
John C. Traynor ANNOUNCES: Upcoming Class for 2019

One Class only in 2019 taught by John C. Traynor
Date: June 3rd to June 7th 2019
Location: Outside near John’s studio in NH
Please use CONTACT US and request more details to sign-up. Space will be limited. Recommended accommodations will be provided upon request.
Happy Painting!
Deck the Walls – Lyme Art Association
Lyme Art Association presents:
Please stop in and see two of my works at this show.
Remember it is ‘tax-free’ shopping Friday, Nov 30 to Saturday, Dec 1
Happy Holidays!
for more information: https://lymeartassociation.org/exhibitions/deck-the-walls-2018/