The ARTIST's Wife

The ARTIST’s Wife

Welcome 2020

January 25, 2020

Hello!  I am the artist’s wife, the muse, the non-artist (artsy but not a painter like John), the gardener, record keeper, travel companion and most of all the “other half” of the artist.  Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:8 states that two will become one and in addition, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 references that two are better than one.  That pretty much sums up the artist and his wife and our life.  

Below is a painting of me tending the garden.  Since we are nearly together 24/7, there are always opportunities for John to capture parts of my daily life on canvas.  Although there are many reference photographs taken that I could share of these activities (it is very hard for me to sit still), I would rather show you the life that John breathes into the canvas with every brush stroke of color in oil.  A patron of a recent commissioned piece described John’s work as “an inestimable expression of your humanity and your gift”.  With that being said, I hope you will enjoy the “Artist’s Wife” blog of my stories and his gift to me and you, his audience, his paintings/drawings.