Upcoming show in New Cannan, Connecticut at Sorelle Gallery
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Connemara Cottage – 9″ x 12″

Field of Flowers – 24″ x 36″
Join John C. Traynor ForA Tranquil View
Artist Reception with Lecture at Sorelle Gallery in New Cannan, Connecticut on
Thursday, February 11th |5:00 – 8:00 | Lecture 6:15 – 6:45
Exhibition through March 14th, 2016
John C. Traynor’s artwork is enjoyed in over one thousand private and public collections in the United States and abroad. His painting style references 19th century painters and the Dutch Masters. Constant travel and painting on location is a prime source of inspiration for his landscapes.
or email info@sorellegallery.com, 203-920-1900